Wednesday, February 15, 2006

R.I.P. Bitch

Remember fellas when you used to be able to call a woman a bitch and get a real rise out of her? Ahh, the good old days. Well, those days are long gone. The word bitch just doesn’t have the same bite it used to. Women now routinely call themselves a bitch or refer to their friends as their bitches. Now being a bitch just means you don’t take any shit and you don’t let some man tell you what to do. Being a bitch is empowering.

This sucks for us guys because we need something to say to you damn bitches to piss you off. We’ve still got whore and slut but those are starting to lose their power to. Women like sex just as much as guys do and the whole if a guy sleeps around then he’s a stud but if a woman sleeps around she’s a slut double standard resonates with a lot of girls. You call a girl a slut these days and she’s likely to just laugh it off and come back with something like, “You’re just jealous I’m getting more than you.” Bam, now she’s won the argument and you look like the asshole. Damn you bitch whores!

So what are we to do fellas? I think our hand has been forced and it pains me to have to go their ladies but you’ve given us no other choice. Oh I’m sure we could try to act mature and not resort to name calling but come on, we’re guys, we have no self control. You ladies tell us that everyday. So without the use of bitch, slut and whore its time to break out, yep you guessed it, the “C” word. Time to dust off old reliable. Nothing does the trick like a well placed “Fuck you Cunt!” Anything less than that just bounces off you girls. This aint your Daddy’s female gentleman. You gotta come out guns blazin or its too late. Enjoy it while it last fellas for just like its sisters bitch, slut and whore, cunt to will one day go by the wayside. They say all good things come to an end and being able to get under a girls skin by calling her a cunt is no exception. It might be 3 years, it might be 5 years, it might be 10 years but one day in the future women will embrace cunt like they have every other insult and make into their own word. They’re a crafty bunch those damn bitch whore cunts. Today you call a girl a cunt; she slaps you in the face. Tomorrow you’re at Hallmark buying your fiancé that coffee mug she wanted. You know, the one with “Worlds Biggest Cunt” written on it. Times are a changin.


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