Friday, May 12, 2006

Meet Brad's Cock

Is there a double standard when it comes to nudity in the movies? Is it unfair that women routinely get completely naked in movies while men rarely bare more than their ass? Every women I’ve ever known would most definitely tell you there is a double standard and that its completely unfair. They’re wrong.

The only reason that women show it all in the movies and the men don’t is because men are smarter consumers when it comes to nudity in the movies. Women support shitty movies just because a hot guy is in the movie. You ladies don’t give a Brad Pitt any reason to take it all off where as guys demand nudity. No man has ever gone out and seen a movie just because there’s an attractive woman in the movie unless of course that attractive woman gets at least topless. After Basic Instinct, Sharon Stone was the biggest actress in the world so why was she not able to capitalize on that fame and star in a string of hits? Because we, as in men, had already seen the no panties uncrossing the legs shot. How was she going to top that? She wasn’t. Sharon Stone was just as hot and just as naked in Sliver, the movie she made right after Basic Instinct, as she was in Basic Instinct but no guy went out and saw that movie because it was a piece of crap. The only way men are ever going to support another Sharon Stone movie is if it’s a good movie like Casino or if she stars in a porno. But at least Sharon Stone kept getting naked in movies unlike Halle Berry. Halle Berry was just another actress until she bared all and fucked Billy Bob for ten minutes in Monsters Ball. Every guy has seen that scene and how was Halle Berry rewarded for taking it all off? By being the first African American actress to win the Academy Award for Best Actress. Pussy power at its finest. And since Halle Berry won the Oscar, how many movies has she been nude in? Zero. And since Halle Berry won the Oscar, how many movies has she been in that tanked at the box office? All of them. Penis power at its finest. Every man in the world thinks Halle Berry is super hot and we all think seeing her in a skintight cat suit is sexy as hell. Every man in the world still finds Sharon Stone attractive and every man in the world loves movies about Super Heroes. Yet, none of us went and saw Cat Woman starring Halle Berry and Sharon Stone because the movie sucked ass yet didn’t show any.

Ladies, if you want to see the Brad Pitts and George Clooneys of the world show it all then stop supporting the bad movies they make. You think Brad and George are above dropping trow? Hell no! It’s all about the money. If every woman had boycotted Oceans 12, Oceans 13 would be called Oceans 13 Inches. If you stop going to see movies like Meet Joe Black you’ll meet Brad’s cock. It’s simple supply and demand. Demand to see every hot guy in Hollywood whip it out and ladies, he’ll whip it out. Skipping a few bad romantic comedies is a small price to pay for a lifetime of dick and balls on the big screen, isn’t it girls?


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